The Story
The Best Photo Printing App
Everyone has a story
Do you have childhood photos? I remember watching my Grandfather hook up the reels to his 35mm projector, and we’d watch family videos on a big white wall.
Every Sunday we’d sit around looking at our photo albums and watching home movies.
Fast forward to my wedding video. My fiance and I gathered photos to scan and add to our wedding slideshow …. I had hundreds of baby photos, I assumed everyone did, but he didn’t.
We’re taking more photos than ever before, yet they remain as digital JPEGS in a cloud! What if we can’t read a JPEG in 20 years? What if that cloud disappears? Hard drive crash? Will my family be able to access my digital photos when I’m gone?
Not only will quality printed photographs last longer than digital files, we also know where they are!
Statistics show that when children see photos of their childhood, the feelings of love and belonging arise and build self-esteem and self-worth.
We’re living our legacy today, we have the ability to tell our story, our way, why aren’t we? I promise in 20 years, you’ll wish you would have taken the time to document your life in a tangible form, whatever that might be.
This is WHY I created Persnickety Box.
"I want to print my photos, I just don't know how".
"I want to print my photos, but then what do I do with them?"
“My camera roll is only growing, it’s overwhelming”
Kids deserve more than an Instagram account. Turn phone captures into real-life photos with a simple swipe!
Persnickety Box is the most simple way to get photos OFF of your device without painful uploading! Swipe 30 of your favorite photos into the app and receive real 4x4” fuji quality prints in an eco-friendly keepsake story box.