Earn rewards
and save the kids, one photo at a time
The next generation may be the most photographed, and the most forgotten. We’re overwhelmed with digital photos, we don’t have time or the know how to print them. We’re not backing up our photos and cheap photo books fall apart. It’s an organizational mess.
Persnickety Box SOLVES this problem. We need your help to spread the word and help to save this generation!
Inspired by my childhood photos
from the 70’s
swipe photos
(like tinder)
no uploading required
You love the Persnickety Box system. We want to reward you for sharing it with friends, family, and followers!
Our automated affiliate program will be coming soon, until then, we are accepting 10 passionate members to participate.
Share Persnickety Box with your friends, family, and followers!
Give them 50% off their first box with your exclusive discount code
Earn a free box, journal, album, acrylic frame (coming soon), or $10 via Venmo or PayPal for EACH code redemption! *
That’s it! Swipe your photos, enjoy your memories, AND earn rewards!
*If your code was used 10x, choose one of each or $100! Payouts monthly based on personal code redemptions by the 5th of the following month. Code/ user must be active for at least 60 days to be eligible. Example: friend redeems code April 2, the payout will occur June 5th.