Persnickety Box

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10 Persnickety Journal Prompts for the New Year

The new year means new beginnings — and new resolutions. This is the perfect time to let go of the past and look forward to the future!

Persnickety Box is a solution for photos, but we take it one step further with our photo journal. Research shows that photographs + words are more powerful than either alone. Use your journal along with photos to create a vision for your future, set goals, or simply document your day-to-day journey. Your journal will become a strength to your future self and others (if you want to let them read it:)

There are countless emotional benefits of journaling. Start the year off right with intention and a journal.

Have you heard of one little word? Choose a word for the year, something you’d like to work on, focus on or improve upon. Add a journal to your next Persnickety Box and get started today with these journaling prompts!

1. My favorite memory from this year

2. 3 adjectives to describe this year

3. The nicest thing someone did for me (insert photo of them)

4. The biggest challenge I faced

5. What could I have done differently?

6. I am proud of myself for

7. One fear I would like to overcome this year

8. One word to live by this year

9. What do I want this word to change in me?

10. A photo that reminds me of this word

Check back for more journaling prompts and inspiration for your Persnickety Box Journal.